Beans, beans and more beans...

Jan 28, 2011

A couple of weekends ago we took our usual Saturday morning family outing to the cute little cafe (Rialto) down the street for breakfast.  We love this place, it is our little weekend splurge.  Chris ordered the huevos rancheros, and after Scarlett scarfed down all of Chris's beans we realized we finally hit the jackpot.  Something other than avocado that Scarlett would eat.  So for the past week Scarlett's diet has consisted of cheese, beans and avocados.  These are the only things she will eat without taking a bite and immediately spitting out.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner have become hours of sitting in her high chair, me offering a new type of food, being rejected, giving up and feeding her avocado, beans and cheese (and sometimes eggs for breakfast).  Oh the joys of a toddler in training.

For those of you with kids...any suggestions for convincing your kid that eating is fun?