
Nov 18, 2011

Scarlett's constant hair in the face look was driving me crazy.  So I cut her some bangs, she went from cute little baby girl to toddler that looks exactly like her mom in one swift chop.  Unfortunately, she also inherited both Chris and my cowlicks and the hair cut only highlighted the lack of participation from the bang department.  I apologized to Scarlett and told her that unfortunately she would hate her bangs for the rest of her life, but hopefully by her teenage years I would be able to teach her a few tricks to keep those buggers in line.


The rest of the week was spent chasing a squirmy Scarlett around the house trying to catch the few straggly strands of escaped bang or straightening out the ones I already cut.  Who knew that cutting a toddlers bangs could turn into a full time job?  I think I will leave all future hair cutting to the professionals.


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