Spooktacular ghost banner...

Oct 15, 2013

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What you need: For Ghosts -
 Paper (preferably white)
Cotton balls
Scissors Black
paint/marker (optional for eyes and mouth)

 photo 001_zps245d97b9.jpg
For banner -
Craft paper
Orange paint

How to make ghost:
Free hand the shape of a ghost and cut.

 photo 004_zpsd81ae13d.jpg

Cover with a thin line of glue and fill in the shape with stretched cotton balls.
 photo 023_zps74a3e73e.jpg

This is a good job for your littlest helpers.
 photo 024_zps20c09a92.jpg

Using black paint and scrap paper, draw a face for your ghost. Glue it on the cotton ball ghost.  

 photo 022_zps53c22a20.jpg

 photo 029_zps200c6f27.jpg photo 003_zps0b977569.jpg

For banner-
Cut some craft paper into triangles, squares or banner shape and paint the letters b-o-o in orange paint.

Hang and enjoy!

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