Eating popcorn on the couch, laughing, smiling, teasing. I forgot what it was like to be a "newlywed". To not care about what you did the rest of the day as long as you got to come home to your new husband that night. We would sit at the dinner table for hours, a bottle of wine, a game of cribbage, a fire in the fire place, smiling, laughing, teasing.
When did we lose this, when did life get tiring. I rush home, rush dinner, rush Scarlett to bed, throw on some sweats, and collapse on the couch asking Chris which episode of Dexter we finished the night before. Somewhere in the last three years, life slipped away and we are left with only tired shells of our former selves. Living two lives that didn't come together at the end of the day to form one.
Last night we fell into our position on the couch, curled up next to each other and turned on an episode of Dexter. Nothing new except the addition of popcorn. Moments later we found ourselves laughing, smiling and teasing. Tossing popcorn in the air, trying to catch it in our mouths...we love each other, but in these moments we love each other well.
We love without worry, without Scarlett, without Valley Christian Soccer, without lessons for the next day, without grading, without laundry, birthday planning, cleaning or diapers. We just love. We laugh, we smile, we tease. We strip off our shells of tired days and for those moments get lost in love. We recharge our tired bodies and remind each other the importance of a kiss and a snuggle. We remind ourselves that we are in love, the deep mushy gushy kind of love...the kind that will get us through the next fifty years of tired days.