Stepping out of the airport on Thursday night we were hit with 90 degree night, the sun was down and it was still 90+ degrees...okay, welcome to Texas. Other than the hot, which we combated by eating lots of ice cream and staying inside, we had a REALLY good time. We ate, drank, laughed, and visited the best aquarium (if you are ever in Dallas go to Dallas World Aquarium).
Thank you Brian and Kari for opening up your home and your new Texas lives to our little family. We love you guys and can not wait to shower baby Abigail with our love and kisses in December.
Meeting Abigail...
I think Scarlett is ready for a sibling...just throwing that out there.

Beating the heat with peanut butter ice cream...

Relaxing at home...

Dallas World Aqurium

A couple more snuggles before saying goodbye...

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