Yesterday, after a wonderfully easy morning filled with laughter, hugs and rainbows, Scarlett turned ugly. I tried everything in my power to calm her down..but I could tell with this breakdown she was in for the long haul.
Enter the long haul...
Step one - Bribing - After running through the list of things I know she would much rather do than lay flailing on the floor and being turned down by each one with a forceful "no"...I move on to...
Step two - Distracting - Offering options of tea time with mommy, or help mommy pick our her clothes, or look at this really cool thing that is in another room and is totally awesome...the crying stops and I think I am victorious, right before the moment I have the nerve to dive into action and the screaming continues...leading me to...
Step three - Time out - enter blood curdling, I have never heard this sound come out of such a small creature in my life, scream for two whole minutes. Add a dash of leg kicks and whole body wiggles and you have come to the fortunate end of step three.
Step four - Ignoring - Lets be honest...this is just too heartrenchingly awful to do and ALWAYS turns into this...
Step five - Cuddling - After 45 minutes of steps one-four., step five is a must for both mother and daughter.
Step six - bracing myself to tell Scarlett that I had to leave to get a hair cut...
Step seven - start all over
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