Chris and I just got back from a weekend in Vegas that was neither relaxing nor spontaneously exciting. A bit of an unfortunate let down for both Chris and me. We had a good time but realized that it could have swung from good to great with the addition of a few friends and an extra $200 spending cash.
Regardless, we are home and have found ourselves thrown into a whirlwind of overwhelming chaos. Swamped at work, Chris planning for a new semester and me tearing my hair out trying to figure out a new billing program. Chipping away at our Los Padres dinner in a little over a week and still testing every evening to get the formula for perfection. Overwhelmed with little red dots that show up EVERY day for the next 8 days on my iphone calendar.
Breakfast and play dates, online orders of food and special spices, gym class, guests for dinner, work and some how fitting Scarlett play time in there. Thank goodness for the lists that keep my mind organized, but forgive me if this blog doesn't make it to the list in the next couple of weeks.
The Chaos That is the Becher family
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