Halloween delay...

Nov 12, 2012

Forgive me for the slight delay in posting our Halloween picture extravaganza...we have been a little busy getting to know an additional person in our family.

Our Halloween this year was a blast.  Scarlett is old enough to enjoy the trick or treating and to give Chris and I her two cents on what she wanted to be.  A fairy ballerina princess.  And she rocked the fairy princess for an entire two seconds before loosing the wings and crown and becoming just ballerina.

We walked house to house until the all the parents involved decided we had a sufficient amount of candy to stash away until the kids forget about it and we can sneak it into the trash.  Scarlett spent the rest of the evening jumping up and down to pass out candy every time the door bell rang.  I think she enjoyed this more than the actual work of asking for the candy.

It was a short and successful night of fun for the kids and a nice long "lets get this baby out" walk for me.   

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