
Jan 9, 2013

Scarlett made out like a bandit...our Christmas day was a chaos of family, family and more family.

This was the first year we introduced Santa, hung stockings by the chimney waiting for stuffing, set cookies out by the fire place for Santa to munch and carrots on the patio for the reindeer to chomp.  We made a big deal of asking Scarlett where he was going to park his sleigh and how he was going to fit into our living room.  She woke in the morning and was thrilled to see the crumbs on the plate and half eaten carrots on the patio.  Santa brought her small trinkets of puzzles and toys and mom and dad gifted her the princess scooter she had been waiting for. We enjoyed our morning together in Christmas jammies before running out the door to begin what can only be described as a day of complete chaos.  Fun chaos, but chaos none the less.


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