Sometimes I have to remember to let Scarlett be herself. Until about a year ago I would hover over her as she waddled around the house. Picking up her messes, take a running tally of the contents of our entire house. I always knew where her favorite toy lay tossed aside in the frenzy of finding something more exciting to play with. I gently encouraged her to follow the rules and stay inside the lines. Craft projects are always done step by step, glue is always placed in perfect dots and paper is always cut in a straight line. Food was always eaten straight from spoon to mouth. Spills are never kept sitting on the table for longer than the duration of the meal. This is very much who I am. I am a rule follower. As Scarlett started becoming more of a little person and especially as she starting playing with friends, I noticed that she is very similar. I wonder if this is because of my hovering or because she was born with these inclinations. She closes doors before she leaves a room, closes cupboards after grabbing a snack, yells to me from across the house when she spills a dollop of oatmeal on the kitchen table, she dots her "i"'s and crosses her "t"'s. She is a mini me.
Except when she wants to paint. Since the beginning of her painting days she forgets the rule of paper only and almost always ends up in the bath tub, covered head to toe with the rainbow. And in this artistic area I accept a little creative expression (or a lot in
most painting cases) as long as it doesnt carry over onto the walls.
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