Outside lands...

Aug 17, 2011

I took an extended weekend and spent Thursday thru Monday at the San Francisco music festival, Outside Lands.   What a weekend.  San Francisco was a blast and the city is so full of life. 

This festival was an event that I am glad to say I had a chance to attend, but I don't think I would go back.  Three very full days of music, overwhelming crowds, greasy food, overly expensive drinks, and LOTS of walking.  I was so far out of my comfort zone, constantly missing the familiarity of Scarlett's laughter and Chris's jovial conversation or soft kisses on the forehead.  I missed waking up to a soft spoken "mama" in the morning, I missed cooking dinner together at night, and Yo Gabba Gabba before bed.  I missed the nightly fights for "more bubbles" in the bath and the whining that inevitably follows the draining of the water.  As good as the music was or as wonderful as the company of new friends proved to be there was always something missing that held me back from enjoying my time away.  I thank my new friends for making my time a good one and apologize for holding back from allowing it to be great. 

I held myself back because I realized within 24 hours of stepping foot outside my home, that I LOVE MY LIFE.  Seriously, I love being a mom.   I love going to bed a 10 oclock and feeling rested the next morning.  I love tip toeing out of my sleeping child's room at 7pm, shutting the door, looking at Chris, smiling and realizing how stupid lucky we are. It was fun to get away from the world of busy mornings, long days and quite nights, but when I step away I can't help but feel lost.  A weekend away feels like I am stepping away from who I am, from the things that I love the most in this world.  I admit the first day was a much needed "me" day, but the four days following, I lost "me" all together and felt completely disheveled . So thank you friends for baring with my selfish weekend of reflection.  As much as I love getting away, my life is at home and my heart is at home and when these things are not with me I will always be lost.

And now the only part we really care about...pictures...

These are my new found friends (aka my best friends "family")...wonderful, kind hearted people.  I hope that these are friendships that will continue even over the barrier of distance.  Thank you for welcoming me into your "family".  You made this trip one that I will truly never forget..especially the food.  Thank you for everything.
After the Arcade Fire show on the last night...AMAZING SHOW!!!

My best friend Laleanne. Thank you Lolli for an inviting me on this trip of a lifetime.  I am so blessed to call you and friend and continue to take wild and crazy trips with you.
I really did have a great time and I am so thankful that you are a part of my life. SERIOUSLY...so thankful!!!

Lobster hat at Fisherman's wharf

First taste of chicken feet...not a favorite.

Lorenzo called this a "moment" and I am glad that it was captured.  The Decemberists, a blanket, sun shine, green grass and friends.  Perfection.

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