You turned two on Saturday. All week long you talked about your birthday party. You saw a balloon at the dollar store and said "my birthday party", you saw Micky Mouse and said "he is coming to my birthday party", we ran into our neighbor and after asking me "who's that" you asked "is he coming to my birthday party", you watched as I spent my week frantically putting together the details and said "my birthday" every time you passed the kitchen table full of colorful cutouts.
No matter who asked the question "how are are you going to be?", you always answered "four o'clock" and after constant reminders that "four o'clock" is not an age we let you believe that you were right. We will fix this next year but for now I will accept "four o'clock" because then I do not have to be a mom with a two year old toddler, but a little girl, who will always be a little girl, my little girl.
Love you a bushel and a peck,
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