
Jul 10, 2012

Every night we pray with Scarlett.  First we say the Lords prayer and then we listen as Scarlett gives thanks to God for her bedroom door, her "letters" on the wall, and her panda in the corner.  Every night she reminds me of the importance of being truly thankful.  Scarlett hasn't crossed the prayer bridge of asking for forgiveness or even lifting up "requests" or "concerns" to the Lord.  She is simply thankful.  Most of the time she is merely thankful in an effort to extend the looming bed time deadline, but with the repeated guidance of her father and I she has shortened her prayers to those things that linger on her mind instead of loose items in her bedroom.

Sunday night after church Scarlett surprised me with a thankful prayer for "blessings".  Every Sunday Scarlett joins Chris and I at the alter and receives a blessing.  I was so surprised to see that this weekly act has made an impact on her tiny mind. It is a weekly repetition that has somehow eased its way into her heart.  Unfortunately Chris and I have failed to fully explain the significance of receiving a blessing to Scarlett, maybe because we thought she was too young and maybe because we were lazy, but the fact that she is thankful for the act shows me that she is more aware than we give her credit.  Where she might not be ready to embrace the full beauty of the entire traditional service, the little bit of service she participates in has already left its mark on her soul.  Only through the grace of God has Scarlett been able to see the beauty of coming to Him on a weekly basis to receive His blessing and to return with a thankful heart. 

Through the four simple words uttered in desperation of extending bedtime traditions "thank you for blessings",  Scarlett opened my eyes to a depth of thanksgiving that I had long forgotten.  She is thankful even without a full understanding of what she is thankful for. This is the way I should pray.  Not only for my house, my family, or the food in my pantry, but for those things that God is gracious enough to give that I don't even know I have. 

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