My Granny turned 95.
Five years ago my mom and dad rented a giant van and our entire "California" family drove through Hollywood and took a tour of my Granny's life. She was raised in Hollywood, was a professional violinist, married the love of her life (after meeting him in junior high), traveled the world sharing the love of Christ, adopted two babies and had two of her own, raised a family, has 13 grandkids and just as many (if not more) great grandkids, and is the most faithful woman I have ever met. Her love for her family and for the Lord is rooted so deeply it dictates every part of her being. She has lived a life that is full of God's grace, lots of love and a little pieces of heartbreak. My Gramps died when I was 2 and I think a little piece of my Granny went with him. Sitting around the table on Saturday, we listened as Granny told stories of love and life after love. She cried and we cried. 95 years on this earth has formed her into a truly inspirational woman. We all wished her "many more" as the candles went out and she just shook her head and smiled.