Mix and match blocks...
Nov 6, 2013
I hesitate to post this because 1) the recipient of these blocks hasn't actually seen them yet, 2) I totally copied the images from here. In my cheap, let's do this homemade style form, I found the images for these blocks online and copied them onto my own blocks. This obviously took way more time than just paying $10 and printing them out...but on the other hand, I learned something about myself. I can copy and paint better than I thought. After cutting the blocks into symmetrical shapes (4''x4''), sanding them down and rounding the edges, I grabbed a pencil and got to work. The only one I winged was the turtle, and that is the reason why he is the only one with a lack of creative detailing.
Anyway, these are being shipped to Chicago for a special little girl who is turning two today. I will deeply miss them, but I know that they are going to a good home. So, happy birthday sweet Geneva. Hope you enjoy mixing and matching these lovely little critters.