Happy happy birthday

Dec 10, 2013

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Scarlett today you turn 4.  This morning you accidentally ripped down one of the balloons we had hanging from the ceiling and proceeded to purposefully rip the remaining three, then dragged them, running around the house for the rest of the morning proclaiming "come on doggies, let's go".   The amount of time you spend, caught up in your imagination, never fails to amaze. 

You no longer fit perfectly nestled into my arms and this morning you told me "just a minute" when I asked for a kiss.  These two things are sorely unacceptable in our home, and will be punishable by a serious case of tickle torture.
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You are a little lady who refuses to tame her wild child hair and you dress yourself in polka dots and flowers, then add an extra skirt for good measure.

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You demand all of my time and attention at every moment of the day, but I can not blame anyone else for that, I made you that way by demanding your time and attention first.

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You still twirl your hair in the name of comfort, only now it is your own, twirled into knots that spring out the top of your head.

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You are my baby.  My little girl.  You continue to teach me to look beyond myself and reach into the mind of others.  You point out my weaknesses by being a pure reflection of my actions.  I watch you watch me and want to be a better mother, a better wife, and a better person. I pray that you continue to grow little girl, only maybe just a little bit slower. 

Happy 4th!  I love you a bushel and a peck.