Those of us that have been a part of this club from the beginning can not believe that we just finished dinner number 22. Five years later we are all entering into busier seasons of life. Looking back we started this club on a whim, five ambitious couples, ready to put our taste buds and cooking skills to the test. Now, we find ourselves on the brink of thirty, two kids deep and struggling to find overnight babysitters 5 times a year. We spend a month planning, buying, preparing and tasting until the meal is ready to present to our fellow dinners. And when the night is over we always feel the complete satisfaction of creating an entire evening dedicated to our friends.
Dinner 22 was hosted by the newest couple. The theme was comfort food and it was a great way to kick off their first meal, inviting us into a rustic culinary adventure. It was food that we love, elevated to a fine dinning experience.