
Mar 14, 2014

This week I have intentionally looked at my kids, at the little pieces of them that make them everything that they are. At the tender, shy, honest heart of our powerful, inquisitive daughter and at the lonely, passionate, needy outbursts of our emotional second born son.  I have been noticing the little moments that make me smile, the moments that make my heart swell with pure unblemished happiness.   I have been so blessed by these two human beings, and every day when they are tucked into their beds, I miss them.  The second that the door closes on our day together my heart aches for one more outburst so I can soothe them with a tight hug and a Eskimo kiss.   I want one more hour in our day to soak in every possible facet of them, every angle of their person.

I want to know them, and smile, smile at the way Dominic throws his food because he is so mad at his lack of words and guide him to expand his vocabulary past "no", "mommy", "yellow" and "ball".  I want to smile at Scarlett when she asks me over and over where she is going that day, smile through the constant battle regarding my lack of being able to stay home from work, to help her understand how blessed she is to be surrounded by so many people that love her and give their time for her security.

I want to find my children every day.  I want to miss them when they go to sleep and look forward to seeing their faces in the morning.  I want to embrace every part of them, the adventurous spirits and frustrated emotions.  I want to smile, with them, at them and around them.

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Also, we apparently have ducks that live on our street during mating season.  And plus also, Dominic is OBSESSED with animals, seriously, completely obsessed.  He spent 45 minutes in complete bliss following these ducks around the cul-de-sac.