
May 16, 2014

Scarlett is four and 1/2 and she helps me all day long, she helps put away dishes, get a drink for Dominic, open the snacks when my hands are full, and stir the brownie mix without sneaking too many bites.  With every big girl test of independence she passes, my "hover mom" guard breaks slowly down.

So, when I grabbed my camera to capture the awesome thing that my kids were doing that I just couldn't possibly forget, and she asked for a turn, I let her.  I had a small freak out when I realized I handed over a semi-fragile object to a four year old, with no understanding of its value and without the safety of a neck strap. But I moved on and let my "hover mom" radius extend to the kitchen, away from the previous location of directly behind her every step.  In this independence she captured a lot of beauty, and I truly can't wait to give her more.  More independence, more space, more creative leeway. . She is a special girl with a lot to give, and by stepping away I was able to see just how much I love every single bit of her, even the four year old bit that sometimes yells "you are a stinky mommy".

Photos courtesy of Scarlett 
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And then I introduced her to the tripod...

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