I know this picture is totally inappropriate...but since most people have no idea what they are looking at any way I will ignore the fact that his private parts are in plain view.
I will also admit that as much as I was trying not to have a preference towards a boy or a girl, I was really hoping for a boy. Even out the playing field in our family and give Chris a little mini me to wrestle on the daily. Also, this way I might be able to convince Chris that we should be done having kids...aka I should be done carrying them. As much as I LOVE the outcome of pregnancy the whole nine months leading up to the outcome I could definitely do with out. But, with that said, I still realize that Chris and I are so blessed. Blessed to be able to have children, blessed to be able to carry them and blessed to love them every second of their existence (in the womb and out of it).
Hooray for baby boy Becher...now on to picking a name...any suggestions?
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