Jul 11, 2013
My knowledge of comic book characters is limited to what I have seen in recent movies. So when Scarlett woke up on Monday morning and said, "watch me, I am Spiderman", and when Chris said, "have mom make you a mask", I knew two things: there was no way that I was going to make a full face mask like Spiderman, and that is just what we need, Scarlett trying to "use her web" to get from one place in the house to another. Thankfully Scarlett knows even less about Spiderman than I do. She knows he wears a mask and some how that no one can take a picture of him. And that is all. So I was able to get away with a white piece of fabric tied around her head with a nose notch and two eye holes. Then we spent the rest of the morning playing hide and seek, Spiderman style.